The Tokenomics page offers a comprehensive overview of Pepe in Black (PIB) coin's distribution strategy and total token supply. It outlines the phased distribution approach, which aims to prevent market manipulation by large holders while fostering community engagement.
With a clear emphasis on transparency and fairness, the page explains the rationale behind the distribution strategy, highlighting its importance in ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the project.
Total Token Supply: 1 billion tokens.
Initial Distribution: PIB will follow a phased distribution approach:
Phase 1: 30% of the total supply will be floated at launch.
Phase 2: 20% of the total supply will be launched.
Phase 3: Another 20% of the total supply will be launched.
Phase 4: The final 20% of the total supply will be launched.
Rewards and Airdrops: In each phase, 20% of the tokens launched will be allocated for rewards and airdrops. This mechanism aims to prevent market manipulation by large holders (whales) while promoting community engagement and participation.
Last updated